So I Was Sitting in a Pew... my church just a few minutes ago, thinking of all these organizations we have right now and their long and convoluted and/or controversial mission statements and how everyone's always talking about inclusion and how we're all in this together to make a better world and yet...

And yet, it seems like we're getting further and further away from that idea. It's getting harder and harder to keep up with all the trends, the labels, the identifiers, and what they mean; honestly, I have to look up an acronym or a word every day. And I thought, wouldn't it be great if somebody just kept it simple?

What if there were a group we could all get behind? An organization that had no qualifications, no gender, race, politics, or religious preference; no rules, no dues, no need for donations. A movement that was all about one simple idea that anyone could follow. Someone should start something like that, I reasoned.

Now I'm not saying I suddenly heard a heavenly voice ring out in the church. But maybe the Lord sort of whispered. And it sounded a lot like, "Why not you?"

And so I came home to write up my thoughts...well, my mission statement, of this new organization. Which technically isn't anything new, and I'm not sure it's any kind of an organization. But it is simple:

                                              Love Your Neighbor.

